The Picture is Coming Together Now


Now, the picture is coming together, after reading Andrew Sia's article in Malaysiakini which I reproduce here for those who have not subscribed to the portal. 

        This is against the backdrop of my own experience with the State Government and the Selayang Municipal Council (MPS) which pisses me off, considering that I had even pre-empted these people two years ago that my series of letters were only part of a campaign that I would kickstart, if things do not improve at the local government level.

        Delivery of services by the local government is important as it affects our livelihood and our living conditions. I have to give credit that, in some instances, there have been some improvement, but why does it have to be after a lot of efforts to highlight either in the newspaper or for me to create a blog just to focus on MPS and Selangor?  

        What surprises me is that, even at the state government, the Menteri Besar and the State Exco in charge of local government, also did not show any sign that they cared during the past two years of my following the due process - from Aduan level at the local council, the councillor, the department head (especially town planner), to the YDP Council President, Bukit Lanjan assemblywoman Elizabeth Wong, MP of Damansara Tony Pua, State Exco Ng Sze Han and finally Menteri Besar, Amirudin himself.

        For example, messages to Amiruddin, I received a few short responses. Same messages to Sze Han, responses received: ZERO. 

        A DAP senior, for example, tried to arrange for Sze Han to come to the ground together with another state assemblyman just to see for themselves what is happening on the ground; but sadly, only the state assemblyman came down. I took it only as a fellowship meeting over lunch, but at least, the assemblyman understood and saw the irony of things. 

   More People Than Expected Are Equally Frustrated with Selangor

        More grouses are going to come to the surface. In my case, it is mainly about local government issues where, after 30 years of dealing with MPS, I have not seen much improvement in the way they handle complaints. 

        Surprisingly, a letter which I had sent to JKR as an ordinary citizen regarding the traffic light at the exit of Sungai Buloh Toll plaza, I have been given the brief by JKR which met up with the Highway Authority (LLM), PLUS and several other authorities to discuss the issue. LLM wrote to me with a more detailed explanation, which can serve as a reference telling me that this is their next course of action. Bravo to both LLM and JKR, at least, we are in the know. 

        In several meetings that I have been invited to attend as an observer, there are many others including activists, action committees, steering committees, NGOs, politicians themselves, and even journalists and top businessmen, who are unhappy with Selangor and the way the state is run. It seems to go against the promises made by PH in the past, although I must say during Khalid Ibrahim's time, these promises such as Freedom of Information (FOI) were put in place.

        I have misjudged both Rafizi Ramli and Nurul Izzah Anwar's earlier comments saying that PH will lose Selangor in the coming general election, thinking that their statements had been misquoted.

        It has become obvious to me now that some in the state assembly from Pakatan Harapan have never learnt why Barisan Nasional (BN) what thrown out previously. They are more focused on subjects that now become a sore issue with environmentalists and those in PH who want to do a good job for Selangorians. The way questions are asked in the state assembly also appears to show a lack of transparency. 

        It is time for the PH Council to identify who these rotten apples are. I have earlier written this piece, which I will further refine based on my observations. If they cannot serve the people, the PH Council should just weed them out, or else, they would be a vote spoiler for PH in Selangor. I, for one, will cast a spoilt vote for the state assembly seat if Elizabeth Wong is still picked to stand in Bukit Lanjan. 

        The standard of service has already been set. I have taken the trouble, even sought permission from both minister and state assemblywoman, to have this article published in my blog. Both were agreeable. 

Menteri Besar has yet to answer a lot of Questions 

        A particular individual representing Otai Reformasi which was the backbone of Reformasi since 1998 had asked for more information from the state government. 

        Abdul Razak Ismail. who wrote a letter under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act regarding an issue that he fears will affect Selangorians and the environment, was told that the information is placed under OFFICIAL SECRETS ACT (OSA). 

        What the heck! If I understand correctly (as I have no access to his original letter), he was only asking whether the company given 100 acres of land for quarrying was a crony company? Based on my understanding from what the environmentalists' claims, this is a forest reserve with its vast biodiversity, and once cleared, they will be gone forever. It may even affect the livelihood of Orang Asli communities in the area. 

        OSA has been used once again to cover up information from people who may be affected. If anything is not harmful to the people or the environment, or there is nothing to hide, why place it under the OSA? Can Amirudin please shed some light to this? 

        Meanwhile, I am reading this article that Selangor may be losing its forest reserve. What is happening? 

        By simply stating that something is under OSA would certain not bode well with a complainant like Abdul Razak. Who knows his livelihood may be affected as a result of what the state government does? Or, maybe he is just digging into something he thinks to be 'fishy.' I don't know. So, we can only hear what Amirudin will say. Silence is not golden. 

        But, wait, before I can even finish writing this piece, I noticed another post sent to me. 

        Is there something really fishy here?  Did I not hear somewhere that there was supposed to be a moratorium? Why are Selangor GLCs also involved in this Bukit Lagong issue? This brings to mind a photograph sent to me by a friend which shows a muddy river. I am now asking whether the river was always so murky before, or it has only started recently. 

        I think Amirudin and his administration owes us some explanations, and please, credible ones instead of claiming that things are under the OSA. 

        I have asked if one of the state backbenchers could raise this matter in the state assembly and it appears that even he is being heckled by fellow party members for asking important questions. Where is the transparency now, PH in Selangor? 

Information Offered on Silver Platter 

        When I asked why the Opposition never raised a squeak over this, a representative of an NGO claimed that they had even gone to see the Opposition and passed them all the information 'on a silver platter.' I laughed, as I wonder how much they paid for the silver platter! 

        Yet, NOTHING was done by the Opposition in Selangor. Either Selangor Opposition is too tame, or they are totally dysfunctional, I do not know, but IF they cannot function as a good Opposition, then they cannot become a good government either. 

        I dread to think what will happen to Selangor if, in a state assembly, both the Opposition and the State assembly become the rubber stamp for everything that the State Exco seeks to implement. If it is for the good of the people, and they can prove it, people will be happy. 

        But, we expect some healthy and open debates, Barisan Nasional (BN) and PH! 

What Other Options for Selangorians? 

        When friends asked me, "Who to vote then in Selangor?" My answer was: "I don't know." And, being cheeky, I have openly suggested to cast a spoilt vote. 

        What other options do we, Selangorians have, after the current administration has turned its back on our hope to see Selangor become a better state to live in? Penang under PH has become a cleaner state now at the very least. 

        Appeal to the HRH the Sultan of Selangor? Although I believe His Royal Highness would act, but who am I to write to him? I have no title, no money, no position, just an ordinary citizen seeking to earn an honest living and maybe a bit more outspoken, because I hope to see Malaysia becoming a better nation for the sake of our children. 

        Although a friend of mine who is close to the Sultan told me on two occasions that he had forwarded certain blog posts to the Sultan, nothing has changed. The Selayang Municipal Council (MPS) continued to give an explanation in a powerpoint sent to me via a local councillor, which simply defies logic. Out of frustration, I have even blogged about it.

        I have even taken time to highlight how messy the traffic flow can be that causes congestion when there should be no reason for congestion in the first place yet, whoever inherited this role as town planner, is not giving any response in the same manner how even Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) and the Highway Authority (LLM) responded to just a simple letter I wrote highlighting about the bottleneck at the Sungai Buloh toll plaza exit. Read this.

        So, my appeal to PH Council for now, is make sure that you have the right candidates for the coming general election. Please do not recycle those non-performing ones or pick people who have not proven their worth or simply lack integrity. Those whom you have evidence of being corrupt, please do the necessary by reporting to the MACC. We have to work together to eradicate corruption so that Malaysian businesses can flourish when there is a level playing field. 

        In fact, I have never heard of Amirudin until Azmin Ali vacated the seat as Menteri Besar. Whether he is a man of integrity and with a service attitude towards the rakyat is still a big question on my mind, as there is now evidence that makes me think otherwise. I will just keep listening to what people have to say. 




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