Invitation to YB Gobind

This is an open invitation to YB Gobind to come and see for himself the condition in the the padang which has been in this condition for the past 30 years since it was built. 

YB Gobind

Although pictures and video paint a thousand words, it's nothing like coming yourself for a jog in the one and only park we have.

You will get to experience yourself what the residents, especially the senior citizens and children, have to live with every day when they go on their morning walk. 

This track has been like this for a number of years now. This issue was already brought up to you before the last general election. Now that the general election is over, we need him to get you and the councillor you appointed to act fast. 

In this video, you can see how some children can trip when they walk over the piece of concrete slab that has been dislocated.

Just look at how dangerous these slabs can be:

It is easy for the senior citizens to trip over these concrete slabs. 

The slabs are all cracking....after 30 years! 

Try dancing on these slabs. These should give you the experience of what it is like to dance on a platform that is uneven. 

Please delay no longer. 

Otherwise, it gives the impression that PH in Selangor that does not care for the problems faced by the rakyat of Selangor. Complaints in the past to YDP, MPS head of Departments, Tony Pua, Elizabeth Wong and their two councillors (including the one you extended the term of service), and to Menteri Besar Amirudin Shari and State Exco, Ng Sze Han have fallen on deaf ears, giving me the impression that Ronnie Liu has mentioned in his video. 

Please prove Ronnie Liu wrong. I am sure he would be happy he is proven wrong. All the Rakyat of Selangor are looking forward is a better Selangor after 15 years. We see such great improvement in Penang under the administration of Lim Guan Eng and Chow Kon Yeow, so much so that even Anwar Ibrahim has given the blessing to Chow to be a second-term Chief Miniser of Penang.

These were added to the padang recently. You can see people are making good use of it. Money well-spent, YB. Thumbs-up! 

The Government encourages healthy living. 

However, just look at the playground for children. Why place sand here when young kids can fall and hurt themselves?

Since removing the sets from their playground, the kids have fewer items to play with. Are these supposed to be modern paddy fields? 

A lot of money can be saved if MPS learns to maintain the amenities that it provides. For example, this one has rusted.... for many years. A coat of anti-rush and new paint would do the job instead of replacing the rails, no? Look at all the other road signs that I have highlighted to your local councillors. 

They should look around their own zones and do something instead of spending money to replace new ones. Who benefits from the replacement of these road signs? To us, it's a big wastage just like your local councillor putting up his own banners for Chinese New Year and Raya this year! A word of advice to heed from PMX: save on the unnecessary, improve the delivery of services to the rakyat. 

I wonder who will take this away? Ten years later, it will still be here, YB. No?

Finally, the residents are so concerned about security that they are willing to spend so much money on security every month. Installation after installation has seen the spending of residents' hard earned money. 

This one built by the former RA Chairman has become an eyesore. Did he even have the approval from the local council to build the small hut here? Come and take a look. A good idea for you, YB, is to spend some money and turn it into our community centre where the senior citizens can meet for a game of Chinese chess. 

Otherwise, you can turn this into a police beat since the colour is close to the police blue. I can help you with this project by speaking to the police. With one or two policemen stationed here, response time would be so much faster in case of an emergency. And security guards can be reduced to maybe just two persons per shift? Or the third person can be assigned to control the flow of traffic on the main road so that residents can exit easily? 

Oh yes, we have not forgotten the old issues that have not been solved yet despite over eight months of constant follow up with your good self.

You have to keep hammering the nail. Each time you hammer, the nail gets in by 0.5 cm. Keep hammering, YB. 

We didn't have to do this with the first batch of local councillors we had. Just one Whatsapp and they have it on their diary to attend to the complaints. Now, after 15 years in power, PH in Selangor is a disappointment to me. I still hope that with a change of Menteri Besar and state exco, we will bring Penang to Selangor, and do even better than Penang! 

Let's work towards it, yeah, YB? 


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