One-Way Streets creating more mess
No one complained about the one-way streets here in Aman Puri until more condominiums starting to emerge.
Instead of dispersing the traffic, motorists find themselves circulating within the same area only to join back onto the main road where the jam builds up especially during peak hours.
What our town planners have failed to realise is that, besides creating inconvenience to the motorists, they are hardly solving the traffic congestion.
By turning these roads into one-way streets, residents from Jalan Puri, for example, have to make one big detour before joining back on Persiaran Perdana.
Vehicles exiting from Jalan Aman, instead of using the traffic light junction to exit into Persiaran Cemara, have to make a U-turn to meet at the same junction as residents from Jalan Puri.
In one particular junction, traffic merge from at least four different directions. It is worse when Selayang Municipal Council does not control the mushrooming of illegal hawkers along Jalan Desa 1/5.
The same matter has been brought up to the local council boys, state assemblyman, Elizabeth Wong, both former and present MPs, Tony Pua and Gobind Singh Deo, state exco Ng Sze Han and Menteri Besar Amirudin Shaari.
By turning a blind eye to the problem, MPS is creating a sore point for residents and people are losing patience towards the Selangor State Government over its inaction.
I, too, have highlighted this issue since a few years ago. Instead of solving more problems, MPS has created more one-way streets, for example, in Desa Jaya.
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