Think about this statement: "We have an incinerator."


When my neighbour joined the Eco Warriors to clean up Pantai Remis in Kuala Selangor, they separated the rubbish from the recyclables. 

        While Eco Warriors were hopeful that their efforts would help to make this a better world, my friend asked an official from Majlis Perbandaran Kuala Selangor after seeing the truck with the slogan, "Jom Amalkan Recycling." 

        The answer: "No, we will be sending to Jeram where we have an incinerator." 

        In fact, there are two. I have verified this with a state assemblyman. 

        But what about the recyclables, Sir? Please explain. Why is MPKS officer not proud to tell people that they have a successful recycling scheme? Strange, right? My neighbour said, "They better be transparent with the public what they do with the recyclables." 

        Now, you see why Selangor is not focusing its efforts to educate people on separation of the household garbage? 

        We seem to prefer the more expensive solutions than implementing simple steps towards a cleaner environment. At our home, we separate our rubbish and sometimes, we hardly have rubbish to throw. Instead every one week or two, we have quite a lot of recyclables to send to the collection centre. 

        Now I understand why, when the proposal was brought up to install more incinerators and a Selangor State Assemblyman stood up to say No, he was called a "loose cannon." Is this what Selangorians want? 

        What is happening to our State Assembly? Isn't this the place for democracy to be exercised? Aren't we supposed to be a Green State?  Can we please work on the the longer term solutions instead of spending so much money on incinerators? Public education in terms of separation of rubbish has yet to be implemented as a better solution, how do we know it will not work?



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