This is what politicians are good at -- whether PH or BN, the same


This is what politicians are good at.

        The councillor Calvin Cheong, appointed by Tony Pua (MP of Damansara) in my zone told me to get 50 residents to agree with me before he would remove these two humps.

        This was after I asked him, "Who built these humps? Why are they there in the first place? Why is there a necessity for two humps here when there is already a security bar to stop traffic?"

        Two humps built at the entrance and exit of the security guard house are simply ridiculous. Even if they are meant to slow down traffic, does he even know this is the exit and entrance of a junction? There is already a bar which is controlled by the security guards. Would any cars be dashing through this road at the speed of 110km/hr? 

        When I pointed out that the humps are built too high, and the mark in the middle already shows that the hump has hit a number of cars with low deck, his answer was: 

        This is the screenshot which I showed to Gobind Singh who is overall in charge of DAP Selangor. I thank him for reaching out to me, but whether there is a solution, it has yet to be seen. I merely want him to know what is happening on the ground and for the Menteri Besar of Selangor to know what is happening in areas managed by Selayang Municipal Council, one of the most underperforming councils. I am sure if I share my notes with others, they will have more to say about their own local councils.

        Overall, our local government tier is largely underperforming.

        One-way street is only over a stretch of about 15 metres. Why in the first place is there a need for a one-way street? I already explained to Cheong that the entrance / exit junction in my housing estate is not a very busy junction. The only time it gets busy is during the peak hours in the morning, but that's because the main road itself is jammed with vehicles and cars exiting the junction find it hard to get out. 

Better ways to solve congestion issue

        I have recommended to him that the way to solve the problem is just to get one of the three security guards to manage the traffic for just two hours and MPS to paint the yellow box. Cheong initially wanted to provide a Rela, but I told him that it is not sustainable in the long run. 

        Till today, where is the yellow box? Would a security guard not be able to control traffic for the sake of residents trying to exit the housing estate? After all, the residents pay their fees, and they can be assigned to assist with the control of traffic especially if the main road is jammed and motorists fail to abide by the yellow box. 

        For the rest of the day, the junction is not busy. After all, the area only has 812 houses. And after the peak hours, most cars are out in town. 

        Instead of looking at the complaint squarely, these politicians are good at beating round the bush, evading issues and doing nothing. All they can tell people is, "I am doing my best." 

        And to discredit people who raise complaints calling them by all sorts of labels, often on behalf of other people who are passive when it comes to public discourse. This is the sad state of Malaysians, especially the Chinese mindset. They are afraid to stand up for their rights; as a result, we have the oppressors and the oppressed mindset in Malaysia after 60 years of independence. 

        In the first place, a question has to be asked: Why are there still political appointments to the local council? Where is the local government election which was promised by PH despite it being in power for 22 months? What we are experiencing on the ground as PH supporters is speaking loudly about the way how the country is being adminstered. 

More to come....


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