Failure of the PH Government in Selangor


This and several other issues not resolved in the past three years show why the local councils must be revamped and Selangor PH should be restructured before the state election, if it wants our votes. Please share this out. 

Nearly three years have lapsed since a small section of road was turned into a one-way street. Humps like this built by Selayang Municipal Council (MPS), despite complaints, are not removed. 
        One excuse after another is given by both the local council. Previously, they promised newly elected MP, Gobind Singh Deo that they would solve the problem before the general election, then after the general election, then before Christmas 2022 but nothing happened even after the New Year. 
        The last was when Gobind promised that this matter would be looked into after the Chinese New Year. This is what the local council promised him. The latest was when he told me that they would revert to him 'tomorrow.'  
        That was yesterday, and till today, after several times of follow up, there was still no response on when these humps are going to be removed.
        Because Gobind at least came down to the ground once to see for himself the problems, I would be gracious to him. 
        He is a gentleman like his late father. I had to tell him to put his foot down; otherwise, these 'monkeys' at the LOCAL GOVERNMENT level will climb over his head. He will then be seen as being ineffective as a member of parliament. 
        PH at the federal government may be seen as incapable of revamping the local government, the third tier of government. 
        While I agree with Nga Kor Ming that we should focus on fixing the local government instead of having council election, we should all agree that it is about putting the good people, not appoint any Tom, Dick and Harry who is clueless to run the local councils. 
        With some 30 years of experience handling local councils, I even offered myself to help local councillors but when they become too arrogant or play local politics with me, I will not give them a damn. 

 Totally Dysfunctional Action Parties 

        Both local councillors appointed by former DAP elected representative, Tony Pua were more interested in playing local politics. Despite complaints made to him directly, he was deaf of hearing. 
        If you analyse it, the entire hierarchy of both state government and PH component parties have heard about this one simple issue. Besides our new MP Gobind, over the past three years, complaints have also reached the ears of DAP supremo, Lim Kit Siang, Chairman Lim Guan Eng, secretary-general Anthony Loke. 
        PKR's Elizabeth Wong was even better: she made a "disappearing act" and blocked my Whatsapp, thinking that it is a bliss to her when she does not hear complaints from the ground. No wonder she hardly appears on the ground after the Sheraton Move.
        Both Menteri Besar Amirudin Shaari (PKR) and DAP State exco in charge of local government, Ng Sze Han have also been receiving my complaints. 
        DAP leader Ngeh Koo Ham had personally arranged for a state assemblywoman to come down to the ground with Sze Han, but Sze Han never turned up to see for himself the problems raised. 
        Most of them have seen a video which on the intimidating behaviours of a certain character in the Taman, upon which a police report had been lodged. I am told that even the police had warned the man. When I complained to a former OCPD, even he rolled his eyes why such problems kept recurring one after another. 
        The simple reason: we do not pay security fees in a guarded community, which is also poorly executed. On several occasions, when the gate was locked after 12 midnight restricting our nearest access to home, the police had to intervene until finally a former council president of MPS removed the illegal boom gate. 
       All this, despite the entire hierarchy within PKR and DAP being in the know, none of them is capable of making a decision to solve the problem once and for all. 

Very Simple Arguments Put Forward
        My contention revolves around these points: 
        (1) There is no valid reason to turn a small section of the road about 30 meters into a one-way street. There are many more roads that can be turned into one-way streets.
        Although claims were made that this was to reduce accidents at the junction, this was because the resident association had placed cones and drums to block the exit from this road. 

        Auditing (if necessary, forensic) should be carried out on MPS to see why they are happily spending money on installing signboards when money is not spent on fixing the real problems. 
        (2) They claim that the junction is busy, but for a housing estate with only 812 houses, the only time that the junction is "busy" is during the peak hours of the morning. And that is also because the main road is congested, not allowing motorists to exit. 
        My suggestion to them was to place one of the three or four security guards at the junction to manage the traffic. This suggestion was made when the inexperienced councillor appointed by Pua first suggested of hiring Rela members to manage the traffic. I told him to be pragmatic as cost is a major factor for a long- term solution.
        I also asked him to have the yellow box drawn on the main road, but nothing was being done. 
        (3) There are five humps at the exit area near the security guard post -- three lower humps on one road which makes you wonder if you are riding over some sea waves; and another two humps which were built higher than the other three humps (see photo above).
        These humps along with at least one other hump create problems to cars with lower deck. The state assemblyman who came to see the place witnessed and heard the loud noise when a Kancil hit its bottom deck on the hump. 

Why I will be snubbing PH in Selangor?
          Now, tell me, despite my support for PH all these years, especially DAP, do you think I will still vote for DAP or PKR in Selangor? I will not only snub them, but possibly campaign against Ng Sze Han in Puchong and Aminudin Shaari in Gombak. 
            I think Selangor has deteriorated since Azmin Ali took over Selangor, and this is further exacerbated by the appointment of Amirudin Shaari and the current batch of State exco. 
            I will be campaigning against PH in Selangor in the coming general election, despite campaigning for PH at the federal level and for Anwar Ibrahim to be installed as the tenth prime minister. I am seeing some very positive outcomes as a result of Anwar's appointment as PM. 
            At the same time, I would offer my time to campaign for Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud, State exco in charge of Health.  
            Why? You go figure out yourself. 

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