8 January 2025
The response from Datuk Bandar shows that work may have to take two days to complete. A total of almost six tonnes of construction debris had been dumped here at the site for a number of years.
9 January 2025
Credit must go to Datuk Bandar Tuan Zahri Samingon and the team of people who worked very hard today to clear construction debris. Yesterday, after taking this photograph, I sent it to Tuan Zahri just to show him the extent of the dumpsite. Around the same time when this photograph was taken, I noticed a young man taking photographs of the site as well. I guess it must have been the staff of MBPJ.
But why is this dump site left here for so many years? When I passed by the place, someone told me that contractors treated it as their dumpsite, and this has been happening for many years.
My question is why no one even complained? There is supposed to be a Residents Association of Sri Damansara. They have access to MBPJ directors. Why must all the complaints to go the mayor before any work is done? Sometimes, we can't help it as our civil servants are more familiar with top down management instead of focusing on rate payers' satisfaction.
Where is the supervision from MBPJ staff including the local councillor? My proposal is to empower Resident Association members to carry out periodic audits of their own area. This will provide a good overview of the problems faced by the residents, who are the main stakeholders.
If you like my suggestion below, please forward this to your local member of parliament. The IT people assigned to work on this project can meet me for consultancy. I can perhaps charge a minimal fee for my consultancy. After all, which soldier serves his country without being paid a salary?
If a periodic audit report is generated, people in the corridors of power would be able to see the problems often swept under the carpet.
Just a Click of the Button
A number of years ago as early as 2008, I have suggeted a portal to manage all these complaints. I called it the Citizens' Eyes. If incorporated with the audit reports, every complaint will be accessible to the local councillor, the Member of Parliament, the State Exco, the Minister of Housing & Local Government, and even the Prime Minister himself.
For example, the state exco wants to know the progress of all the zones under each local government. He/she can obtain it by clicking the keywords, "Zones", "State". All the complaints or outcome of periodic audit reports submitted by Residents Association should come on the screen with words like, "Pending A Solution" flashing in red. At the click of the button, the state exco can alert the Datuk Bandar.
The prime minister can also assess the performance of the entire government machinery at the click of the buttons.
Promotions can also be based on the actual work done to solve problems on the ground. Malaysia on the way to become first world nation? Perhaps, and I hope so!
Even the public should be allowed to see all these photographs. Once job is done, credit should go to the local council and people will be able to see how much work they have done.
But why instead of my suggestion did the government adopt SISPAA where complaints can be listed but subsequently provided with a standard answer such as "Under Investigation" or "No budget"? After some time, these complaints are not solved but the ministers and state assemblymen will only hear 99% of the complaints solved.
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